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Thursday, March 22, 2012

No way any relative gets a penny

Under no circumstances, if I ever die, is anyone related to me in any manner to get so much as a single penny

No family members, no siblings, none of their offspring... not one damned penny

No ex wives get anything. No ex girl friends get anything.

No supposed or real offspring if any, get a penny

. Everything goes into a trust fund for my cats

That just makes me chuckle.

Archeological nonsense

The Archelogists like to say that the losers in the ancient ball game played by Aztec or Myans would be killed That is nonsense. If you killed all the losing teams in the NHL how long would it take to run out of teams?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Fortification Bylaws. Are you a biker?

This will be on your next bar exam….

Once upon a time Scarborough passed a by law setting the minimum temperature for bath water. They were ridiculed from coast to coast and quickly backed down.


The rage now seems to be "Fortification" by laws. A quick Google search shows that these laws are cropping up all over.

I apparently have run afoul of the London one, because I have security cameras on my property which may be able to see "beyond the perimeter" of the property line. ( I have an ongoing problem with a vandal)

Here for your edification and amusement is a link to the London Fortification bylaw.

While primarily intended to stop Hells Angels types from fortifying their club houses, this law is so ludicrous, vague and discriminatory it is laughable. It could not possibly withstand a court challenge. You cannot have a security camera which sees beyond your own property line???.

One dangerous aspect is that a town can use this bylaw to enter and search your home without any kind of warrant. The Globe and Mail has an editorial today on this happening in BC where a similar bylaw was used to justify a search for a grow op based on high electricity use. Turned out the home owner had a bunch of tropical fish tanks. Talk about a fishing expedition? (sorry).

Have a good laugh…. These kind of bad laws keep you in business!! I am certainly not going to stand by and let London push me around!!! .


Kirby Inwood.


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Tell CanLaw your favourite lawyer jokd